Genius Hour Reflection

In my Digital Citizenship class we could  choose any topic of our interest and present it in any way you want. Now that we are done with that we have to write a Reflection on our Genius Hour project.


The research topic I chose for my Genius Hour project was “what is an El Nino?”.  At the beginning I was interested in El Nino’s because it’s a natural disaster affecting us right now. But after I started researching I still liked the topic but wasn’t as interested in it because it was really hard to find information. I learned a lot about El Nino’s and how they affect us. I learned that El Nino’s are caused by hot and cold water flowing in different directions then usually because of the wind. If I were to grade my Project I would give my self a B- or about 80%. I gave more effort into finding information and should have made the video longer. My project didn’t help anybody specifically but it did inform people about what is happening around them. For my next Genius Hour project I would research a bit before choosing the topic to see if there’s enough information of it on the internet. I am not sure what topic I will chose for my next Genius hour but here are some broad ideas I was thinking about: Emojis: Who created them? When were they created,? How to draw Manga or comic figures?  and the last idea I have is to make a presentation about how even the smallest animals effect our Eco-system and are necessary for the life as we know it.

Click Here to see my video!

A post in German about Germany

Ich bin deutsche, aber ich habe nur 2 Jahre in Deutschland gelebt. Meine Eltern sind beide deutsch und wir gehn jede Sommerferien nach Deutschland um unsere Freunde und Verwanten zu besuchen.

“File:Flag Map of Germany.svg.” – Wikimedia Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2015.

Deutschland ist ein grosses Land, mit einer langen Geschichte und Kultur. Viele Weltweit bekannte Märchen wie Schneewittchen, oder Ariel kommen ursprünglich aus Deutschland.

Deutschland hat viel traditonelles Essen wie Brezeln oder Sauerkraut. Deutschland ist ein sehr modernes Land das sich and die Technology der Welt an passt.

(Click on the Translator at the side of this page to translate the post to your own language)